If you follow us on the 'gram you probably saw that last weekend we went to North Carolina to visit my parents and have an early family Thanksgiving. On Thursday, I headed out to Raleigh-Durham Int'l Airport via Southwest Airlines (shoutout to Southwest for always having direct flights and friendly staff). The flight took about three hours from Dallas and was extremely smooth. When we landed the airport definitely was a lot smaller than expected for an International Airport but it made the process of grabbing bags SUPER quick.
As we were driving away from the airport I wasn't sure what to expect but honestly, I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Growing up in Texas, I had never really heard much about North Carolina and didn't really know what to think when I found out that was going to be my parents new place of residence. I wasn't sure what there was to do, where to go eat or what the culture was like but I was excited I had the weekend with my sisters to explore. The weather was a little bit chilly but nothing that a light jacket couldn't fix and the scenery was absolutely gorgeous. In Texas, I feel like we don't really get the full "colors changing" aspect of fall when it comes to greenery.

As soon as we dropped off our luggage we decided to grab lunch and drink while waiting for our parents to get off work. It also gave us girls a chance to catch up since my little sister took her dream job and is interning at Roc Nation in New York and my older sister is a Resident Pediatrician so ALWAYS in the hospital or catching up on sleep. It was nice to be together and have time to connect. No matter how annoy I may say they are at times, they are truly my best friends.

We enjoyed our drinks but if I am honest, the food at our first stop was not exactly, the best. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't filled with flavor like most Texas restaurants. We actually kept joking that if this is what the food tasted like, there must be a ban on salt and pepper in North Carolina. It was edible, just bland.
Thankfully when we were in Chapel Hill, we found Carolina Coffee Shop, North Carolina's oldest restaurant and also probably one of the cutest coffeeshops in America. The music, the ambiance, the people - everything was just perfect. It almost reminded me of what it would be like to live in Stars Hollow (Gilmore Girls Reference).
We ordered fried green tomatoes and I enjoyed the most delicious S'Mores Latte. I would definitely recommend stopping by if you are in the in the area or planning a trip to the Chapel Hill if you are visiting North Carolina. It's about an hour from Raleigh, 2 hours from Charlotte, and 3 1/2 hours from Asheville. It also is where UNC (University of North Carolina) is located.

In Durham we found, a German cafe and biergarten called Guglhupf. It has a super innovative vibe, indoor/outdoor seating with Southern German food options and traditional foods with Southern German inspiration. Using seasonal ingredients and giving me all of the Austin vibes you can imagine, I was excited to give Guglehupf's a try.
I ordered the Roasted Turkey Sandwich with bacon, Ashe county hoop cheese, arugula, pear mostarda, pickled red onion, vegan chipotle mayo and rustic house dressing with German potato salad on the side. Three words: NOM. NOM. NOM. It was delicious, light but filling.
This is another place I would recommend making time for if you are in the area. It was really relaxing and would make for a great night out with friends if you are looking for a chill evening with various beers on tap, signature cocktails and well drinks.
Overall the trip was fun. I had a blast seeing family, celebrating Thanksgiving early and taking Holiday pictures. Sidenote: why is it no matter how old you get, your mom still asks you to be in family pictures? Get back to me with your thoughts. Ha. I would definitely recommend a trip to North Carolina for a chill girl's weekend, romantic getaway or family bonding time. If you are wanting to go and rage, I can't say that's exactly what I found. In fact, most places were completely shut down by nine - ten o'clock. I am excited that I went though it was a lot different than I had always imagined and I would definitely go back. Stay tuned for our next trip in December - we are so excited to surprise you with a destination that's sure to meet your bucket list requirements.
Have a safe week and thanks for Hanging With the Heake's!